Growing Ornithogalum Dubium as cut flower Toggle

 Ornithogalum Dubium as cut flowers

 Main attributes

  • Attractive raceme with up to 30 florets.
  • Production of 2 stems from size 4/5.

More stems viable from bigger bulbs.

  • Extraordinary vase life.
  • All florets open gradually, giving unusually extended flowering time.
  • Minimum labor in production.
  • Easy to handle and ship.

Growing requirements and instructions

  • Growing medium: well drained planting medium.
  • Temperatures: In greenhouse, the optimal temperature for growth and flowering is 17-25°C (day) / 10-18°C (night).
    Avoid freezing temperature.
  • Ventilation: it is important to have well ventilated greenhouse, as the crop is sensitive to bacterial wilt (Erwinia) which develops under unventilated, humid and warm environment.
  • Shading: For early autumn planting in warm areas, use at least 50% shading depend on light density.
    Full sun is encouraging vegetative growth.
    Shading increase plants height.
  • Planting: Planting from end of August for treated bulbs.
    For bulbs size 4/5 in circumference, planting density is 75 bulbs per net m2 of garden bed.
  • Irrigation: During the growing season, always keep the planting medium moist.
    Water from above only during sprouting period. Later on drip irrigation is necessary to discourage outbreak of disease.
    Widespread as much as possible between watering.
  • Fertilizering: Fertilization N.P.K. Ratio 2:1:2 N – level 70-130 ppm according to plant and soil analyses, or following planting, fertilize through the irrigation system with a 7-3-7 fertilizer at the rate of 1-1.5 Kg per 1,000 L. of water.
    PH of irrigated water should be 6 to prevent bacterial wilt outbreak.
    Max EC level of the irrigated water – 1.4
  • Gibberliic Acid (GA3) :
    This treatment contributes to earlier flowering and longer stems. Treatment is as follows: Apply when plants have 5-6 leaves, use 200ppm, and a volume of 120 liters per 1,000 m2
  • Diseases: Phytium,
    Spraying mainly for prevention but also when Phytium accrues

 Flower Harvesting:

  • When first floret is fully colored and open, it’s ready for sale.
  • Cold storage: plants can keep at 2°C for more than a week.
  • The flower requires limited quantities of water in a vase.

